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The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe


The story unfolds...

Run, Rabbit, Run

Air Raid 

This song became very popular during World War Two. The lyrics were changed to 'Run, Adolf, run, Adolf. Run, run, run' to poke fun at the Nazi leader, Adolf Hitler. 

Soon after the song first appeared, war was declared and the Luftwaffe (the German airforce) launched its first air raid. They were trying to bomb British boats moored near Shetland but they weren't very successful. Apparently, the bombs only killed two rabbits. Do you think this is true?


In The Hall of The Mountain King - Edvard Grieg

The Ride of the Valkyries - Richard Wagner

True Colours

The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe

Class of 2017!

'When I performed to the whole school, I found confidence inside me. When it came to showing it to the parents, I spread my wings and now I know not to be afraid' Grace

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